FreeVPN is a free VPN client for Windows computers. This is one of a few services that allows you to connect to a free VPN server to bypass geographic restrictions and to encrypt your browsing sessions. Graphically, the application is quite simple. It consists of a single window that has a status log and a connect and disconnect buttons. The client allows you to connect to 10 different VPN servers. There are servers in the USA and Europe. There is one server with the name Hulu in between parenthesis. That is the server that has been tried and is known to work with Hulu. Once you select a server and connect to it, the application will create a VPN connection to the server and your computer will now be part of the VPN host network, thus giving you an IP address from the server. With that, you can fool certain websites into thinking your traffic is coming from the USA, for example. I was surprised to see that this service worked even better than advertised. I was up and running in less than a minute. The streaming of video is fast, which has to do a lot with the bandwidth that is available with FreeVPN. I tried this with several sites like Hulu and they have all worked so far. The client sits in the system tray area and you can disconnect and connect from there. I have yet to find something I don't like about this little app.
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